The Souderton Area Community Aquatic Club (SACAC) offers our swimmers the opportunity to join Souderton’s USA Swimming team. Our USA Swimming team attends several USA Swim meets during the SAL season in addition to the regular SAL meets. USA Swim meets provide swimmers with a chance to try different events, and allow swimmers to gain valuable racing experience. These meets also give our swimmers a chance to form new friendships within the swimming community.
Our USA Swimmers are encouraged to strive to qualify for Middle Atlantic Swimming’s Junior's. Junior's is a championship meet that takes place in March. In order to compete in Junior's swimmers must be age 11 to 14, they must be registered with USA Swimming, and they must have swum the qualifying times in a USA Swimming meet. The 2025 Junior Short Course qualifying times can be found at TBD If a swimmer does not qualify for Junior's they can choose to attend the Silver Champs Meet at the end of March. The silver meet Qualifying times can be found TBD,
Our USA Swimmers are encouraged to continue practicing for up to seven weeks after the regular SAL season ends (early February) until Junior's (March ) and MA-silver meet (March 24-26). There is an additional fee to cover costs such as renting the pool, paying our coaches to attend meets and practice, and paying lifeguards for the additional practice.
If you are considering USA Swimming for the first time, we encourage you to discuss it with one of our coaches. If you decide to join, or if you are a returning USA Swimmer, Please feel free to reach out to our USA Swimming Representative,Julia Bolinger at [email protected]